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ZiX++ is coming now~

ZiX++ Change LoG
1. The strongly required Last.FM function.(optimized the path and so on.)
2. nothing?
1. Optimization of some scripts in WSH panel mod, disposition of useless lines.{In WSH cover Header & WSH Aninfo}
2. The appearance of mini(compact)-mode switcher, a glowing circle.
3. The style of VolumeBar and ProgressBar has been reworked, with Mnlt2 style.
1. foo_ui_hacks.dll has been removed; consequently all of the configuration became totally following the SDK. (partly because the uihacks caused odd behavior upon compact-mode switch)
1. The WSH cover seemed to be working correctly.
2. The path in WSH predecessor has been reworked, solved the problem caused by stanard installation.
3. forgetting....

WSH panel mod 1.4.0 beta4 is not so stable as beta3, which really makes me upset....
however, most of current functions can work very well on previous version. hmm.

Waiting all of your feedbacks, which will generate ZiX+++~~(or should i change the name to ZiX*?, not so sure.)

frequent pressing the mini-mode switcher will cause serious problem, please DONOT use this circle too much before restart foobar. I 'll fix this bug as soon as possible.
I'm sorry for bring you such an embarrassment.
Thanks for your support.
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Just a little word to say that still, 12 years later, i'm still running foobar with your skin, you made such a great work man !